Friday, July 19, 2013

It's Looking Like A DIY Weekend!

The hubs would probably tell me that I should finish one of my many "in progress" projects before tackling anything new, but Pinterest definitely got the best of me this week and I have a few fun projects that I'm going to tackle over the weekend!

His & Her Sharpie Mugs
This is such a cute idea and I can't believe how easy it is! I'm planning to pick up some mugs and maybe even some dishes from the dollar store to experiment with.


DIY Workout Shirt
If you're at all like me, you probably have more than a few extra shirts laying around that could be used for a project like this. The best part is that if the scissors decide to not cooperate, I'll have plenty of new dust rags to use :)


Tea Lights and Coffee Beans
Not only do these look great, but apparently the heat from the candle makes the coffee beans smell amazing.


These projects should keep me busy for a few days...are you doing anything crafty this weekend?



  1. I love those mugs! I've been wanting to try that out myself! If you do it, be sure to post about it! :)

    Janelle @ Wild Blue Yonder

  2. Those all look like fun projects! Can't wait to see what you end up with!

  3. Hello Emma, Its Carlise.. You left me a message on my blog. I just emailed you. I hope you recived it. Love your blog! I need someone to professionally do mine.

  4. I just nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    Amanda @ Happily Ever After

  5. Love your blog, Emma! If you ended up making those mugs, post a picture! I've been dying to try it out!

  6. Did you try those shirts?! How did it go? I would love to make some, but I'm afraid to haha
